Attendance Announcement
From 12/11 to 12/15
This week, our Jaguars showed 85.65% attendance.
WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS! Parents–help us reach our goal of 95% attendance this year by encouraging your student to attend school every single day!
Shun R.
Qur’An H.
Honey E.
Hugo C.
Excellent job, Jaguars!
The last day to update attendance for the school month is December 22
If you haven’t reported your student’s absences please do it now!
We realize some absences are unavoidable due to Covid or other circumstances. However, we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. Your student is less likely to succeed if they are chronically absent—which means missing 18 or more days over the course of an entire school year. If your student will be absent, please notify the school as soon as possible. You can report the absence beforehand, the day of absence or up to 1 week after the absence through one of the following:
- Filling out the NEW Absence Web form found on the school website REPORT AN ABSENCE
- Call your school’s front office at 916-395-5010
- Send a note to school with your child containing your signature, phone # and the date
- Students may be marked as truant for the following reasons:
If the parent/guardian does not contact the school directly or submit a signed note explaining the reason for absence, the absence will be, coded UNV (Unverified Absence) and the student will be marked as truant for that day.
If the parent/guardian contacts the school but the reason for the absence is inexcusable, the absence will be coded OTHR (Other Reason Inexcusable) and the student will be marked as truant for that day and cannot be cleared.
Vacations taken during the school year are inexcusable and will be coded OTHR.
Parents must call the school or send a note for any health-related absence.
Truancy letters will be sent home after a student reaches a specified number of truant absences (UNV, OTHR, T>30 min) within the same school year:
- After 3 days (18 class periods) of truant absences: Truancy Letter #1 (First Notification of Truancy)
- After 4 days (24 class periods) of truant absences: Truancy Letter #2 (Second Notification of Truancy)
- After 5 days (30 class periods) of truant absences: Truancy Letter #3 (Notification of Habitual Truancy) and Engagement Support Plan (ESP) meeting scheduled.